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Deutsche Welle: DW.com - Germany

News, Analysis and Service from Germany and Europe - in 30 Languages

Protests have erupted across Germany in the wake of two contentious parliamentary votes on immigration, with marchers venting anger at the conservative bloc for breaking the taboo on collaborating with the far-right AfD.

Horst Köhler was a finance expert who served as Germany's head of state between 2004 and 2010.

The German Bundestag voted against the "Influx Limitation Law" after an emotional debate. The bill was proposed by the conservative CDU/CSU bloc, who had been accused of cooperating with the far-right AfD party.

The number of unemployed people in Germany has risen to its highest in a decade. The rise comes as the weakness of Europe's largest economy took its toll on the labor market.

State secretary, International Monetary Fund head, President of Germany: Horst Köhler's career reads like something out of a novel. Africa was a big focus of his work. He has died at the age of 81.

The German parliament has narrowly rejected a law to tighten up asylum measures. The controversy over the law, and how it could have been passed with support from the far right AfD, have rocked German politics.

A majority of Germans believe the country should accept fewer refugees, according to the latest Deutschlandtrend poll. However, most are in favor of EU-wide solutions and are against their country "going it alone."

From Riesling and schnapps to frothing steins of beer, the Germans have long loved alcohol. But they are now drinking less than ever — and not just during Dry January.